Diagnostics of treatments applied to cut diamonds

   Before starting diagnostics of diamond treatments, diagnostics of the stone itself and diagnostics of its origin should be performed. The former is needed to make sure that the studied sample is indeed a diamond, while the latter reveals whether the stone is a natural diamond or a synthetic.

   Revealing diamond treatment implies successively running a number of tests based on all known methods of treated diamond diagnostics. The diagnostics of diamond treatment results in concluding whether the studied sample has been treated according to one or a few treatment techniques.

arrowt.gif (841 bytes) Features of main treatment methods
arrowt.gif (841 bytes) Diagnostics of diamonds treated by laser drilling
arrowt.gif (841 bytes) Diagnostics of diamonds treated by fracture filling
arrowt.gif (841 bytes) Diagnostics of diamonds treated by coating
arrowt.gif (841 bytes) Diagnostics of diamonds treated by irradiation and annealing
arrowt.gif (841 bytes) Diagnostics of diamonds treated by the HPHT method