Mass-based diagnostics of diamond origin

   Nowadays, synthesizing jewelry-quality diamonds is only possible on the basis of high-pressure technologies. Modern technologies provide high pressure within a quite limited volume for a rather short time. Therefore, no large (greater than 4 ct) cut synthetic diamonds can be found now and in the nearest future on the jewelry market.

Weight ranges of natural and synthetic diamonds:

  • Yellow diamonds.
    Cut stones with masses smaller than 4 ct can be both natural and synthetic.
    Cut stones with masses exceeding 4 ct are natural, as a rule.
  • Colorless or almost colorless diamonds and blue (cyan) diamonds.
    Cut stones with masses smaller than 2 ct can be both natural and synthetic.
    Cut stones with masses exceeding 2 ct are natural, as a rule.

Recommended procedure for weighing a diamond:

- Carefully clean the studied sample before starting the measurement.
- Weigh the sample by means of a balance.
- Identify the sample using the description of the weight ranges of natural and synthetic diamonds.